IIDA Continuing Education Requirements
Micène Fontaine, Aug 7, 2019 2:00:00 PM
The International Interior Designer Association (IIDA) requires professional and associate members to complete 10 hours of Continuing Education (1.0 CEUs) every 2 years to retain membership.
- CEU Requirement: 10 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Professional or Associate Members who joined prior to the start of the current CEU cycle/compliance period).
- Renewal Date: December 31 of odd-numbered years.
- CE Cycle: Biennial - Credits must be earned in the calendar year immediately preceding the renewal date, meaning CEUs must be earned between January 1 and December 31 of the following odd-numbered year (e.g. January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021).
- Acceptable Coursework: IIDA accepts courses approved by IDCEC, AIA/CES, and USG/GBCI. It is up to the professional member to determine whether the activity meets the requirements and final discretion is up to the Board.
- Reporting of Credits: CEU providers are required to report completed courses approved to the IDCEC. For courses not approved by IDCEC, members may self-report credits to IDCEC. Design Arts Seminars reports credits electronically whenever possible.
- Tracking of Credits: Members are able to use the IDCEC registry to track earned CEUs and are responsible for maintaining proof of successful completion of continuing education activities.
- Audit: All IIDA members are subject to audit and upon request will need to provide documentation to support the CEUs claimed at renewal, such as certificates of continuing education or a transcript showing courses completed.
- Carry Over Credits: Not permitted.
- What state are you an interior designer in? If so, check out the Interior Design Continuing Education Requirements.
- Maintaining another professional membership? Check out the continuing education requirements for ASID and AIA.
- Have any questions? Post comments or questions on this blog or contact Design Arts Seminars, Inc.NEVER STOP LEARNING
Source: - International Interior Designer Association