Be the change. Lead a Change by Design Session.

Change is hard but it always starts with someone willing to think out loud to inspire the rest of us to do things better and do better things. I am excited to invite you to be that someone, to be a change-leader by facilitating a session in our “Change-by-Design” series.

It's no secret that humanity must find ways to quickly address challenges whose scope, complexity, and urgency are overwhelming. I believe that you - architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and allied design professionals - have the answers (or maybe just better questions). You hold incredible power. The power to shape the built environment in which we live, love, work, and play. You are - by design - problem solvers.

This is an exciting opportunity for you to help practitioners think about their part in fixing the future so we can all be proud of the world we leave behind for generations to come.

You are in a unique position to help shape our collective future by sharing your insights around any one of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals you are most passionate about, each of which interacts with the built environment. The series successfully launched in January 2020 with its first cohort of design professionals on their year-long learning journey as change ambassadors. Each month, a 1-hour online session explores what design professionals can do to foster prosperity while protecting the planet. UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

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In the end, I know that there is no silver bullet, but there is formidable power in the compounding effect of small and consistent changes. I also understand that no one has all the answers, and if all we achieve out of these sessions is asking better questions, then I would consider that a success. That's my benchmark. What's yours? Please take a moment to think about it.

I hope you will consider participating in this food-for-thought-and-action Change by Design series by working with us on leading a session on the topic you are most passionate about.

Please submit a brief proposal by filling out the form on this page. I look forward to continuing this conversation with you.

Thank you for leading change - by design,


Micène Fontaine
Executive Director | DAS

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PS: Need inspiration? Here is a guide offering a synopsis highlighting how each of the goals intersects with the built environment, followed by a couple of case studies for each.
PPS: All facilitators will receive a flat speaking fee for the initial live presentation and a percentage of the subsequent on-demand sales.